Before you can plant with Re-Tree, we ask that you attend a free tree planting workshop.
October details will be announced - click below to be notified on details.
The Buffalo Green Fund is a 501c3 nonprofit that facilitates landscape and beautification projects in Buffalo’s neighborhoods, parks, and public spaces.
We team with individuals and organizations to beautify and enhance Buffalo’s landscape. We leverage private donations, volunteers, and partnerships to beautify Buffalo in a bigger and more sustained way.
Our signature programs include: Matching Grants, Re-Tree, Buffalo in Bloom, the CommuniTree Steward Project, and Test Gardens.
The BGF organization is strong and contributions are tax deductible. Our organization was formed in the 1970s as private citizens looked for ways to partner with the City of Buffalo in response to the Dutch Elm Disease. To date, we have raised more than $1 million, facilitated the planting of almost 50,000 trees, and planted hundreds of thousands of flowers at Niagara Square and parks, pocket parks, and major streets throughout Buffalo.
Watch the video below! Paul Maurer, Re-Tree Chair, gives an update on Re-Tree tree plantings in the City of Buffalo. Then listen to why Earth Day still holds significance for Paul.
Take action to re-forest public areas that were destroyed by the freak October 12-13 snowstorm
Matching funds can help you beautify public spaces in a bigger, faster, and more lasting way.
Buffalo in Bloom set out to showcase the extraordinary beauty of Buffalonians' gardenscapes.
A five-week classroom and in-field training session taught by experts in the field of arborculture.
The gardens feature new specialty trials on an annual basis, with all specimens well-labeled to help educate visitors.